A Few More Neston Shops

Susan Chambers

Pyke’s butchers in the 1970s.

This place had been built for Delamore’s bakehouse in 1893, and is now Selby’s Star. Note the useful Taylor’s hardware next door.img188

Nicholsons Drapers


Can we  resist a quick look in Nicholson’s, on the way to Pykes, now Constables Estate Agent?  Look at those lovely glass-fronted drawers.  The building had suffered a disastrous fire in the 1880s, and had a whole new frontage.

Nicholsons had been there since 1905.


These 1975 black and white images are from the R.E.Benbow collection at Cheshire Archives.

Joseph Johnson


Right – A picture that takes some working out.  It shows one of the Johnson family outside their shop on High Street, and he is standing outside the current ‘Venus Nails’ (that would have puzzled him).  The low building on the left is what is now the site of  Vanessa’s hair salon.

Many of us remember these shops as Barnes.



Left – Possibly a young Ernest Jellicoe, brother-in-law and employee of Joseph Johnson.  He is standing in front of the site of the nail parlour.

The 1899 plan for Mr Conway for the buildings to the left of where Ern is standing, left  These are the buildings that stand there now, the shop on the left being the ex-Cheshire Building Society.

Thanks to Clare Johnson for the photos of the shop.

Richard Norton Heath’s Grocers Shop


Were these part of Cameron’s in 1975?

I recall the lovely oily smell from that  workshop.  Photos 1975, advert 1966.
