A Brief History
Burton and Neston History Society
HomeTown Heroes
Men Commemorated at the Parish Church of St Mary and St Helen, Neston
Men Commemorated a St Nicholas, Parish Church, Burton
Men Commemorated at the Parkgate and Neston United Reformed Church
HomeTown Heroes: an A-Z list
First World War
The Great War – Week by Week
The Coventry and Pyke families, 1915 and 1916
Neston’s New Red Cross Hospital
World War 1 – War Memorials
Thomas Crimes Ashbrook (1877 -1942), railway man, and the Great War
The War, late August 1917 and no end in sight.
Neston, Early September 1917
Neston, Autumn 1917
Neston, December 1917.
Neston Collieries
Coal preparation at the Wirral Colliery, Little Neston, in 1896
Neston (Wirral) Colliery
The Canals that Almost Came to Neston
Neston Female Friendly Society (Ladies Club)
Neston Inns
Malt Shovel
Chester Arms
The Vaults, The Letters, or the Neston Hotel
The Brown Horse Inn
Chester Arms, Parkgate and William Williams Mortimer
Where we used to shop…
Where we used to shop 2
A Few More Neston Shops
Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners Royal Benevolent Society and the Parkgate fishermen
Stormy Weather
Parkgate Regattas
Jonathan Mellor (1846 – 1931) – Fisherman
Growing up in Parkgate- Helen Elizabeth Bushell (1902 – 2002)
Memories of my Days on the Marshes
Reminiscences of a Train Boy
Memories of an Earlier Train Boy, 1930
Ness Holt School – Memories
Railway Memories
A Neston Memory
Life on the Mellock Estate in the 1950s and ’60s.
Childhood Memories of Little Neston in the 1950s and 60s
Memories of Thornton Hough
People and Families
Thomas Crimes Ashbrook (1877 -1942), railway man, and the Great War
Agnes Lois Bulley (1901 – 1995)
Vizcachani, the Barber family and Neston’s South American Links
Robert Bridson and Son
Angelina Jane Bushell
Growing up in Parkgate- Helen Elizabeth Bushell (1902 – 2002)
Wolton Gray (1836 – 1891) and his family
Lady Hamilton’s (very distant) Neston Cousins
Edward (Marlow) Jones (1889 – 1966)
Jonathan Mellor (1846 – 1931) – Fisherman
Commander John Monk, R.N. (1791-1880)
William Quay 1778 – 1846
George Edward (Ted) Pearson (1915 – 2003)
Edwin Rooke (1855 – 1918) a Neston Stationmaster
Charles Roscoe of Neston
William Ledsham (1880-1951) and the Clontarf Cafe, Parkgate
Reverend William Fergusson Barrett and his wife, Margaret Ann Barrett
Irish Immigrants in Neston: the Ryans
Buildings and Places
Hinderton Lodge
The Ringway
Pykes Weint: it’s an old address, but is it the right one?
Staplands Fine Art Workshop
Neston’s Mill Street Quarry
Rose Gardens, Little Neston
Mostyn House – from the beginning
The Hostels and HMS Mersey
Neston Town Hall – the beginning
The Lamp on the Bushell Fountain
Ness Myths and a Memorial
Leighton Court from Beginning to End
The Gardens of Leighton Court
Can you help solve a milestones mystery?
‘Headless Cross’ – briefly
Timber Dumps
Stanney Fields Park
‘The Most Important Field in Neston’
Remember, Remember the 5th of November
Neston, early 1890
Spring 1890, Political Intrigues and a Raging Bull
Christmas Past
External Links
Neston Football – the Early Years
Learning the Ropes: Parkgate Rope-Making and the Ropewalk
A society just for the men: Neston Victoria Jubilee Lodge of the Order of Ancient Shepherds
Charity of Nessie Mathews and John Monk
Wedding Celebrations, 1848
The Town Hall in WWII
Creches in Nineteenth Century Neston
Neston and District Hockey Club 1900
Defending Neston in the Cold War Years
Tommy, the Council’s Horse
Romp and Stomp in the Town Hall Basement? No Chance, said the Council.
Football in Neston
May Time in Neston
The Anglican Smelting, Reduction and Coal Company Ltd
Not in our Name: the Slave Ship ‘Neston’
The Railway at Parkgate
On My Doorstep: a brief history of Wood Lane and Paddock Drive
First World War
HomeTown Heroes:
The Stories of the Casualties of War of Neston and Burton (1914-1921)
by Ian L. Norris
Click here
World War One – War Memorials.
Click here
The Great War – Week by Week
Click here
Late August, 1917
Click here
Early September, 1917
Click here
Autumn, 1917
Click here
Late Autumn, 1917
Click here
December 1917
Click here
Neston’s New Red Cross Hospital
Click here
The Coventry and Pyke Families, 1915 and 1916
Click here
Thomas Crimes Ashbrook (1877 -1942), railway man, and the Great War
Click here
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