Cheshire Observer 14th March 1903
FUNERAL OF MRS. J. MELLOR. The funeral took place at Neston Parish Church, on Monday afternoon, off Mrs. Jonathan Mellor, of Chester-road. Deceased, who was fifty years of age, was very highly respected and there was a large attendance of relatives and friends at the interment, among those present being Mr Jonathan Mellor (widower), Mrs. B. Groom, Jonathan Mellor, Mary Mellor, Mrs. J. Leadbetter, Samuel [Lemuel?] Mellor, Kate Mellor, Annie Mellor, Joseph Mellor (sons and daughters), Robert Matthews (brother), S. J. Williams (sister), R. Matthews. John Matthews, Joseph Mathews, Kate Matthews, Mrs. Joseph Bartley, Mr.. William Jones, Mrs. William Roberts (nephews and nieces), Edith Groom, Mary Groom, Betsy Groom, Joseph Leadbetter, James Leadbetter and James Mellor (grandchildren), Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs Annie Robinson, Mrs Fewtrell, Mrs. Mathews, Mrs. Ann Mellor (sisters-in-law)’ Mrs. W. Davies, Mrs W. Garnham, Mrs J Evans (aunts), James Ouldred, R. Ouldred, G. Fewtrell and William Fewtrell (nephews) acted as carriers, and other nephews present were S. Fewtrell, J. Robinson, J. Mellor, G. Mellor and Joseph Mellor Sarah Fewtrell, F. Mellor, Mrs. Caldow and C. Mellor (nieces), T. Robinson and J. Mealor (brothers-in-law), Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Ouldred, Mrs. Thomas Ouldred, Mrs. Miles Johnson, Mrs. Evans (Southport), Mrs. Maycock (Liverpool), Mrs. Thomas Johnson, Mrs. Lawrence, Samuel Evans (cousins), Messrs Thomas Groom and Joseph Leadbetter (sons-in-law), Mrs. Dorothy Jane Mellor (daughter-in-law), Messrs. Wm. Crimes, Joseph Bartley, Thomas Wood house, Charles Callow, Heath, Frederick Able, Thomas Able, Wm. Able, Richard Peters, Joseph Whitehead, Peter Whitehead, William Roscoe, John Tilley, John Robinson, George Wellings, John Roscoe and Thomas Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Mawdsley (Prescot), Mr. James Evans, Mrs. Kate Mealor, Annie Lead- better, Mr. Joseph Bell, Mrs. Wellings, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Wm. Jones, Mrs. Ouldred, Mr. Garnham, Mr. Lawrence, and Mr. Joseph Wheeler. There was a large number of beautiful floral tributes. The Rev. E. W. Bowell conducted the funeral.